Thursday, 24 November 2011

Second Rough Cut

This is our second rough cut and shows that we have made some of the alternations we hoped to change from the first rough cut. We have changed various amounts of footage that were not suitable for example we have changed the phone and makeup scenes at the start the start of the video to show a clear and steadier shots. The bar shots have also been re-filmed so that the actress is much more visible in the shot. This was achieved by having a light focused on the actress when filming so that the footage was easier to view. The video has progress in the sense that we have shots to the very end of the song so that the structure of the shots are almost complete. We have also got extreme close ups in this rough cut which is what we planned to achieve as the meat shots. Here we show much smoother transitions which we think fit the genre much better by being smoother and show a link between the video and the lyrics by showing "louder coming out of the speaker and bouncing of the screen.
For our final cut we hope to change several things about this rough cut. Though the sequence is how we want it we hope to create many faster shots just before the chorus begins as we feel that this is where the song becomes much faster. We also hope to re-film the meat shots as the shots would look much better if the actress emphasised her expressions more. We possibly are thinking about adding various colours and transitions to certain shots to help make them interesting and to the best quality possible.

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